The tunnel time can be flown for 10 months after purchase, and includes all flight speeds.

The flight time package of more than five hours can be flown alone or, if desired, shared with one or a limited number of flight mates. The time package is perfect for group events and camps / training camps.

You can also contact us directly:


1h - 5h 420,00 €/h
5h - 10h 379,00 €/h
10h - 49h 349,00 €/h

60 minutes minimum
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Contact Info

Aeronautica Arena Oy - Contact us!

Customer Service/ Restaurant: 041 315 6664 - During opening hours
Sales service: 040 625 5662 on weekdays at 09:00 - 16:00

On other times send us an email - we'll answer as soon as we can :)

Customer service:
Wind tunnel email: